Tales of a New EV Driver: Finding the Ride to Match Your Style

After more than a decade with their 2003 sedan, SDG&E employee Romell Apilado and his wife Sarah decided it was time for an upgrade.

Since the last time they were in the market for a car—15 years earlier—the transportation landscape had changed quite a bit. With new fuel options, safety tools and technology-enabled gadgets like back-up cameras and voice control available, the couple had plenty to research.

As Romell looked into the options, he found that an electric vehicle (EV)—and the environmental and financial benefits that come with it—was the right fit for them, but Sarah wasn’t immediately sold on the idea.

Sarah was familiar with the EV options of 2003—futuristic looking designs, spotty maintenance records and a limited selection of models. With more than 300 EV-driving coworkers, Romell knew that the options had grown substantially, and knew with special EV rate options and convenient charging available at work, the clean drive would help them save money without adding hassle to their day-to-day lives.

Finding the sweet spot

“After driving the same car for 13 years, we wanted our new model to be attractive, not too compact and have all the bells and whistles we’d been missing out on with our old ride,” Romell said. “We wanted to find an EV that would help the environment—but we wanted something that checked all the boxes on our list, too.”

As their search continued, Romell and Sarah found that the EV market had grown substantially since plug-ins first hit the roads, now offering greater variety in make, size and style than before.

After a test drive in the Volkswagen e-Golf, Romell and Sarah were sold. The e-Golf had the quick pickup, added features and stylish look the couple were hoping to find—not to mention the roughly $100 in monthly gas savings that came with it.

Which green ride right for you?

Whether style, size or speed is your priority, there is an EV to fit your needs. Check your local dealer’s website to find the model that’s right for you.